‘Magic Needles’ is compromised of needles that have a rounded tip and small aperture in order to ease its way into the skin obtaining a resistance to penetration in the deep tissue layers. The needles are characterized by flexibility and suppleness, in complete contrast to the rigidity of cutting needles and trauma-inducing cannulae. The suppleness and originality of the injection’s opening aids in injecting a large number of products, regardless of the degree of viscosity.
Four revolutionary aspects
‘Magic Needles’ has four revolutionary aspects with personal advantages. First, it has complete elimination of a major risk which eliminates the induction of necrosis (scab) by intravascular injection on the face. Second, reduction of the INVASIVE aspect of the injections induces ECCHYMOSIS, less painful due to the fact that the soft “MN” needle penetrates by sliding rather than injecting leaving no visible scars. Third, by enhancing the application of the product by using it on all areas of the face. The injection is completely controlled thus cannot cut the tissue and forbids going through the aponeurotic wall; the process of different fillers are of better quality with harmonization of the injections and diminishes indentation risks. Finally, there are no social exlusion following injections due to the advantages “MN” needles revolutionise our aesthetic approach to the face and transform the minds of our patients who in the future will consult us with greater serenity.